
Are you losing the art of connecting with meaning and feeling!  

With our communications predominately driven by technology now more than ever is there a need for connecting effectively. 

Connecting! it's more than clicking a button!

And in a time when we are experiencing challenges every day, many testing our capabilities and vulnerabilities, meaningful connections are vital. It’s all about feelings, and when under continual pressure it is easy to feel alone, disjointed and isolated. To overcome this we need to connect and share experiences with others. Importantly, understand the power of meaningful connections, what, why and how they enhance our lives!

Meaningful connections impact our mental and emotional well-being. This is about our need for human connection, a sense of belonging, connection and happiness that underpins our mental health and well-being. 

4 Features of a meaningful connection are! 

  1. Going beyond the scripted dialogue, trivial talk.  It’s about having authentic conversations, being genuine by sharing our stories and experiences.  It's about putting in the effort to build and improve relationships, our willingness to be involved, ’show up’ and engaging with empathy. These are the ingredients for better connections. 
  1. Listening, actively listening is the key to authentic connections. Hear what others have to say, their opinions. Paying attention and being prepared to acknowledge others' points of view and beliefs and being respectful and understanding of our differences.  
  1. Eliminating distractions. It starts by putting down that phone! Yes, our ‘devices’ have a place in our business and personal lives, are entwined into our activities but human connectedness can't be replaced.  It is essential to our overall well-being. 
  1. Interacting with impact.  You don’t have to be the centre of attention but make the interaction memorable with the quality of the conversation. Give it value by being economical with your words, choosing those that have meaning and purpose, less can be best.   Apply this to any setting, formal or informal.

Read the research!

Being socially connected helps keep our, your mind and body in good ‘health’ and a healthy you influences the health of your Business, private and personal and relationships.  Establishing and maintaining strong ties and bonds with those that are concerned with your health and happiness, trustworthy people are the essence of meaningful connections.  

What does that mean! 

It’s about actively, fully participating, being present, there in the moment engaging in exchanges of information, whether social, personal or work-related.

Simply put, ‘crafting’ the ‘art of human connection’ has never been more critical. 

And there’s more!

  • 4 Ways for Crafting Meaningful Connections in Business.  

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