Workplace Culture

The headlines said it all! Did you see them?   

Stories of workplace ‘toxic’ culture. Organisations with a noxious environment that had undermined workplace relations causing disruption and pain for many.  These workplaces are characterised by bullying, harassment or exclusion that results in absenteeism, low productivity and more recently resenteeism. But there are solutions to remedy such situations.  

Culture has been described as ‘the way of life for an entire society, including codes of manners, dress, language, religion and rituals and art’.  Elements include values and beliefs and norms and symbols’. At times these are in sync and harmony but at other times there may be challenges and conflict to the status quo. This can be due to a breakdown in Management employee relationships. 

When we consider an Organization you will see similarities. 


Company culture is the underlying 'way we do things' attitude that becomes ingrained in behaviours.  Importantly Management, Leaders need to create a positive work-life culture so that everyone enjoys the benefits of productive, long-lasting results.

Now ask yourself what is my Business culture, importantly is it healthy reflecting the Company vision and mission. Great, if you said yes but what if you answered no!


The answer lies in changing culture. This need for a shift in culture can arise for a number of reasons.  For example, if your Business has low productivity, high staff turnover and many complaints from customers and employees, consider the need to change your workplace culture. It's about bringing in change for the better.

To successfully transform a work culture is a complex and challenging undertaking but the end result can be worth the effort. It takes commitment, careful planning and development of strategies. Strategies that need to be implemented and adopted by all to achieve the desired outcomes.

Here is our 10 Step Guide to Changing Workplace Culture:

  1. It starts at the top with Executive, leading by example. Set the standards.
  1. Promote Business Vision, Mission.  Raise values awareness. 
  1. Adopt Business practices that support the Culture. The two need to be aligned.
  1. Engage with the Workforce in positive ways. Workshops or everyday exchanges make them memorable exchanges for the right reasons.
  1. Create a safe place for healthy discussions. Be transparent, bring in a Mediator if needed. Listen and act. Make sure promises are kept.
  1. Create a better employee experience. Acknowledge Team effort and individual staff strengths. Recognition and praise are great morale boosters and supports productivity.
  1. Provide learning and development opportunities. Offer to all staff members. 
  1. Implement continuous improvement activities. Change needs to be a gradual process to influence changes in conviction, mind, behaviour and skills.
  1. Have agile structures and processes in place. To provide flexibility and the capability to respond and adjust to changing environments. This will help both you and your Business.
  1. Monitor progress. You won't know if you don’t look or regularly review progress